Why Not Me!

by Doug Pollock with Kristin Pollock

Why Not Me!

by Doug Pollock with Kristin Pollock

Writing Why Not Me! gave me the opportunity to revisit my life to see how faithful God has been to me all these years. It was nothing short of a faith-increasing experience that revealed His love for me in a way that I needed to be reminded of—and I believe you will find inspiring. Someone can’t go through what I did and keep it a secret! It is my hope that this book will help you revisit your life story and discover your defining moments.

In Why Not Me!, I share my story of being a drug addict and dealer whose time in prison transformed my mindset and turned around my life. It’s a no-holds-barred look at a life gone wrong and the several defining moments that turned it into one of purpose, hope, and success. You’ll discover how tragedies become triumphs, and how I was freed from my past so that I could discover and live with destiny, purpose, and unlimited possibilities for the future.


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